High performance liquid pectolytic enzyme for clarification and flotation

  • Convient au vin biologique (EU 2018/848)
  • Convient pour NOP
  • Vegane

Détails du produitTypes de vinsInformation techniqueDocumentation sur le produit
Description du produitDocumentation

Détails du produit

LALLZYME KP-CLAR™ is a liquid enzyme preparation, obtained from Aspergillus niger, for white and rosé juice static clarification and flotation. It is also effective in depectinisation of red wines from thermo-treatment and from press. It is highly concentrated in pectinase activities, specifically active on homogalacturonan main pectin chains and rich in secondary activities able to hydrolyse the side chains of pectic polymers, for a faster and better clarification and for an higher yield

Types de vins


Information technique

  • Application: Clarification and flottation
  • Activité: Pectolytic
  • Origine: Aspergillus niger

Documentation sur le produit