Lallzyme Cuvée Blanc

White grape skin-contact macerating enzyme

  • Convient pour NOP
  • Vegane

Détails du produitTypes de vinsInformation techniqueDocumentation sur le produit
Description du produitDocumentation

Détails du produit

Lallzyme CUVÉE BLANC™ was developed by Lallemand for use on white grapes during skin-contact maceration in order to obtain high quality white wines, rich in taste with intense mouthfeel, good structure and enhanced aromatic complexity. Lallzyme CUVÉE BLANC™ is a very specific blend of pectinases concentrated in complementary glycosidase activities. It is low in macerating activities (cellulases, hemicellulases), and therefore provides gentle juice extraction and fast clarification after pressing. Lallzyme CUVÉE BLANC™ has been used with success in different wine regions around the world, particularly for Sauvignon blanc, Chardonnay and Semillon.

Types de vins


Information technique

  • Application: Clarification, maceration, aroma, extraction
  • Activité: Mild maceration enzymes and beta glucosidase
  • Origine: Aspergillus niger

Documentation sur le produit