(Saccharomyces cerevisiae cerevisiae)
LALVIN R-HST was selected for its exceptional enological properties in Riesling from trials conducted from 1991 to 1996 in the Heiligenstein region of Austria. LALVIN R-HST™ has a short lag phase and generation time, even at cold temperatures. These features allow it to dominate and persist over spoilage yeast, such as Kloeckera apiculata. LALVIN R-HST™ retains fresh varietal character and emphasizes floral (rose) and mineral characteristics,while contributing body and mouthfeel for an overall complexity and elegance. LALVIN R-HST™ also produces crisp, premium white and Pinot noir wines that develop well over time.
Technische Information
- Allgemeiner sensorischer Beitrag: Neutral
- Killerfaktor: Activ
- Mindesttemperatur: 10 °C
- Maximale Temperatur: 30 °C
- Nährstoffbedarf: Mittel
- MLF kompatibilität : Empfohlen
- SO2-Produktion: Niedrig
- Gärungsrate: Mittel
- Alkohol toleranz : 15 %
- Glycerinproduktion: Keine Info