Détails du produitTypes de vinsInformation techniqueDocumentation sur le produit
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Détails du produit

REDULESS™ is a unique-yeast derived product formulated to reduce sulfur off-aromas and improve the overall wine quality. Sulfur off-aromas are common defects that are sometimes very difficult to remove or mask in wine, and can be the result of biological and non-biological factors that diminish the fruit and contribute to aggressive mouthfeel sensations.REDULESS™ has been developed for red and white wine treatment to:• Reduce H2S, DMS, DES and other sulfur-related defects in wine• Increase overall quality of the wines (more mouthfeel, fewer phenol-related off-flavors).Dosage recommendation: Add 1 to 30 g/hL, depending on the severity of the sulfur defect in the wine.

Sélectionné par Developed by Lallemand

Types de vins


Information technique

  • Application: Add to wine
  • Approuvé par l'OMRI
  • Effet: Sensory
  • Utilisation : Sulphur defect management
  • Dose : 1-30

Documentation sur le produit