ML Red Boost™

Specific nutrient to shorten kinetics of malolactic fermentation in high maturity red wines

  • Listé OMRI
  • Convient au vin biologique (EU 2018/848)
  • Convient pour NOP
  • Vegane

Détails du produitTypes de vinsInformation techniqueDocumentation sur le produit
Description du produitDocumentation

Détails du produit

ML RED BOOST™ is a malolactic fermentation nutrient specifically formulated from inactivated yeast fractions for the application of conducting malolactic fermentation (MLF) in challengingred wines with high maturity Malbec, Merlot, Syrah or Zinfandel wines. ML RED BOOST™ was developed by Lallemand after investigating lactic acid bacteria’s specific nutritional requirementsas well as the role of specific yeasts fractions that improved the resistance of wine bacteria against the inhibitory effects of high polyphenolic contents in red wines. The bioavailability of certainpeptides strongly favor the growth of Lallemand selected wine bacteria and the quality of specific polysaccharides included in ML RED BOOST™ are particularly effective in reducing the MLFduration especially under challenging red wine environments.

Types de vins


Information technique

  • Type de produit: Nutrient
  • Approuvé par l'OMRI
  • Utilisation : Nutrients for wine bacteria
  • Nutriments pour : Bacteria
  • Dose : 20

Documentation sur le produit