Beta Co-Inoc™
(Oenococcus oeni)

Robust strain for wide range of conditions

  • Apto para vino ecológico (EU 2018/848)
  • Apto para NOP
  • Vegano

Detalles del productoTipos de vinoInformación técnicaDocumentación del producto
Descripción del productoDocumentación

Detalles del producto

Fresh fruit oriented wines represent a significant part of the wine worlds market share. Generally, this wine style is made from grape varieties with high aromatic potential. Although keeping the fresh fruit character during the winemaking process is challenging, several studies reported that using co-inoculation strategy maintained these fresh fruit characters while avoiding excessive acetic acid and diacetyl production. BETA co-inoc contributes to fresher fruit oriented red and white wines. BETA co-inoc has proofed best compatibility with many selected yeaststrains and showed best synergy and performance when used with a co-inoculation protocol.

Seleccionado por Italian selection from the CRAFT project

Tipos de vino


Información técnica

  • Temperatura mínima: 14 °C
  • Tolerancia de pH : 3.2
  • Alcohol max : 15 %
  • Compatibilidad con la coinoculación: Very recommended
  • Producción de diacetilo durante la coinoculación: Muy baja
  • Actividad cinamil esterasa: 0

Documentación del producto