OptiMUM White™

For aromatic intensity and longevity in white and rosé wines

  • Listado OMRI
  • Apto para NOP
  • Vegano

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Detalles del producto

OptiMUM-White™ is a new specific inactive yeast rich in glutathione (antioxidant properties) and polysaccharides. OptiMUM-White™ benefits from a new optimized production process that enhances the glutathione bioavailability. It has to be added at the earliest stage of alcoholic fermentation (after settling) in order to prevent the must from oxidation. This new biotechnological tool favors aromas intensity and longevity. Dosage recommendation: 20-40 g/hL added to the juice post settling.

Seleccionado por Developed by Lallemand

Tipos de vino


Información técnica

  • Aplicación : Added early during fermentation
  • Aprobado por OMRI
  • Impacto: Sensory
  • Uso: Aroma intensity and longevity
  • Dosis: 20-40

Documentación del producto