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How to better face harvest challenges with Lalvigne® – New and approved Lallemand products for South Africa.

All winegrowers face the harvest challenge of achieving phenolic and oenological maturity at the same time. The application of LalVigne® has been shown to increase berry skin thickness, improve ripening with homogenous maturation and uniform veraison.

The Lalvigne® products are a yeast derivative (100% specific fractions of selected and specific inactivated Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast) that is applied in the vineyard as a foliar spray at veraison with a follow up spray 10-12 days later. The yeasts strains used in the production of the Lalvigne® range were sourced from the Lallemand wine yeast collection.

Cool Climate Scenario. In cooler climates, phenolic maturity can be difficult to reach. Complicating factors can include the onset of rain, early frosts, the grape variety itself, and vines susceptible to Botrytis. In many cases, the harvest date ends up being determined by external factors and not by grape maturity.

Warm Climate Scenario. In warm climates, optimal sugar levels are often reached far in advance of other critical factors such as phenolic maturity. This means that the harvest date is often chosen primarily due to potential alcohol levels rather than other wine quality parameters.

Watch the video on how to use Lalvigne® Mature product and see the results achieved with a 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon from Spain.

Video how to use Lalvigne and its results

A full vineyard treatment with a Lalvigne® spray consists of two applications. The first is done at 5% veraison, and the second at 10–12 days later.  Lalvigne® is easily suspended in water and is applied using a normal spray cart or hand sprayer in case of treating small plots.

For more information, consult the Lalvigne® Catalogue.

Interested in trials for the 2019 vintage, please 

Published Oct 25, 2018

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