Uvaferm Alpha® MBR
(Oenococcus oeni)
Product details
Uvaferm ALPHA™ was selected by the Institut Technique du Vin (ITV) in France from spontaneous malolactic fermentations showing good fermentation activity and sensory contribution. ALPHA™ is a dominant strain and has the capacity to achieve reliable MLF, even showing good resistance to botrycides. Contrary to spontaneous MLF, the contribution of ALPHA™ to white wine is usually described as enhancing the mouthfeel, while respecting the wine’s varietal character. The lower perception of green and vegetative flavors is the result of the very positive impact of ALPHA™ on wine complexity.
Wine types
Technical information
- Minimum temperature: 14 °C
- pH tolerance: > 3.2
- Alcohol tolerance: 15.5 %
- Co-inoculation suitability: Recommended
- Diacetyl production during co-inoculation: Very low
- Diacetyl production post af inoculation: Moderate to low
- Sensory impact: MouthfeelComplexityFruity
- Cinnamyl esterase activity: 0