Managing the risk associated with microbial spoilage is a key point throughout the life of a wine.
This Under Investigation edition will explain the mode of action and the efficiency of our chitosan-based products, 100%-natural, biodegradable, non-GMO and non-allergenic.
The commonly used product to limit microbial contaminants associated with sensory deviation
is SO2 although the market is looking for wines with lower sulphite content.
One way to control the spoilage microbes is by preventing their development through bioprotection (selected yeast, co-inoculation with selected bacteria), and our research has led to safe and effective biological alternatives against contaminants, especially Brettanomyces and lactic and acetic bacteria.
They are fungal-origin chitin derivatives: pure chitosan (No Brett Inside™) and chitosan associated with chitin-glucan (Bactiless™).
Both of these chitosan-based formulations are 100% pure from Aspergillus niger and compliant with OIV strict specifications and EU regulations and have been successfully used by winemakers for the past 10 years.
In this edition of Chitosan Under Investigation, you will learn:
- What are chitosan and chitin-glucan?
- What is the efficiency of pure forms of chitosan and chitin-glucan?
Published Oct 28, 2024 | Updated Mar 25, 2025