Lalvin ICV GRE™
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae cerevisiae)
Product details
Isolated from Cornas area of the Rhône Valley by the Institut Coopératif du Vin (ICV). Originally selected for the fermentation of Grenache, ICV GRE particularly benefits red wines where an up-front fruit character is desired. Also suited for rose and white table wines. A quick starting steady fermenter, ICV GRE is recommended for a range of varieties. Used with short skin contact regimes (3 to 5 days), ICV GRE tends to reduce vegetal and undesirable sulphur components. In fruit focused whites ICV-GRE results in fresh fruit characters with significant fore-mouth impact. The yeast promotes spicy, strawberry and confectionary characters with estery notes. Enhanced production of caproate, caprylate, laurate etc reinforces the fruit aroma of red wine
Wine types
Technical information
- General sensory contribution: Enhance varietal character
- Competitive factor: Active
- Minimum temperature: 15 °C
- Maximum temperature: 30 °C
- Nutritional needs: High
- MLF compatibility: Strongly recommended
- SO2production: Low
- Fermentation rate: Moderate
- Alcohol tolerance: 15 %
- Glycerol production: High
Product documentation
- Cabernet Cortis
- Orion
- Ortega: Mueller-Thurgau x Sieggerebe
- Regent
- Rondo