Cider expertise by Lallemand Oenology

The many different styles and the many different apples used for cider require a deep knowledge of innovative solutions to help cidermakers achieve their different goals.
Cider ball

At Lallemand Oenology, our passion for cider has spanned several decades.

Cider is simple, or simply good. It is elegant, alluring and has evolved with different cultures around the world. The Silk Road travellers expanded the humble apple to western Europe, and to the world, as they travelled.  Apple trees are found from the northern tip of Sweden to the southern reaches of New Zealand and proves the enduring need for diversity.

The many different styles and the many different apples used for cider require a deep knowledge of innovative solutions to help cidermakers achieve their different goals. We can draw on over 100 years of experience in fermentations to help understand and propose yeast, bacteria and nutrients to achieve the full potential of the fruit.

We like to stay close to the roots of what is a good cider as well as offering natural solutions to propose to the cider community. Our continued investment in research and development of cider solutions gives us the knowledge to understand what gives cider its enduring appeal through many generations, and around the world.

Our cider solutions are beneficial all along the production process:

• Adding a very small amount of our enzyme LALLZYME Cider L™ can allow you extract more juice from your fruit, without needing heaving pressing which can lead to the release of less desirable compounds. It is a gentle way to overcome the tough internal structure of the apple and give you more of the good product to work with.

Avoiding the growth of spoilage microorganisms while using less SO2, with our chitosan-based products, such BACTILESS™ or NO BRETT INSIDE™ or with our specialty yeast LEVEL2 FLAVIA™ mount the first line of defense with its biocontrol impact combined with aroma development.

• Reducing SO2 additions while preserving aromas using our specific yeast derivative, OPTI-MUM WHITE™. This product employs the power of the yeast to block the oxidation pathway and help preserve colour and aroma. It is added in the pre-fermentation phase but has a long-reaching effect for the product through ageing and transport as well.

• Our expertise in specialty yeast and bacteria allows us to offer a broad range of solutions to meet your fermentation conditions and cider objectives. Please refer to the Fermentation section to read about our initial suggestions. We welcome a discussion together to better understand your fermentation.

• A good nutritional strategy allows the yeast and bacteria to fulfill their potential with regular fermentation kinetics and developing the aromas: Rehydration nutrients such as GO-FERM PROTECT EVOLUTION™ and a good nutritional support such as FERMAID O™ will ensure your yeast is happy, and therefore you will be too, when you taste the result and enjoy a good glass of cider.

• Spoilage microorganisms can still survive after alcoholic fermentation is complete and thrive by utilising remaining energy sources. These microorganisms can produce off-aromas that mask the desirable fermentative aromas. To protect the cider and minimize the use of SO2, a chitosan-based product, such as BACTILESS™, can be used to inhibit spoilage organisms.

• Once fermentation is complete, cider becomes very sensitive to oxygen, and this can lead to loss of fruit aromas or appearance of heavy notes. Using a Specific Inactivated Yeast, such as PURE-LEES LONGEVITY™, helps protect cider against oxidation.
This approach can help maintain the quality and aroma profile of the cider.

A global leader in the development, production and marketing of yeast, bacteria and specialty ingredients.

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