Lalvin Elios 1™
(Oenococcus oeni)

Oenococcus oeni; for premium red wines to develop fresh, varietal aromas and good mid-palate intensity.

  • Suitable for organic wine (EU 2018/848)
  • Suitable for NOP
  • Vegan

Product detailsWine typesTechnical informationProduct documentation
Product DescriptionDocumentation

Product details

Elios® 1 was isolated, selected and tested by ICV® (Institut Cooperatif du Vin) – in Languedoc-Roussillon region, France – for its quick and reliable degradation of malic acid in most mediterranean and Rhone red wines. Elios® 1 has the capacity to enhance the sensory profiles of red wines. Elios® 1 contributes to increase the sensation of reds fruits and spicy notes, with an higher complexity and tanin intensity ; the mouthfeel of wines is also improved.

Selected by Selected from Institut Coopératif du Vin, France

Wine types


Technical information

  • Minimum temperature: 18 °C
  • pH tolerance: >3.4
  • Alcohol tolerance: 15.5 %
  • Co-inoculation suitability: Recommended
  • Cinnamyl esterase activity: 0

Product documentation