Stimula Chardonnay™

Organic nutrient – 100% yeast autolysates - Optimal aroma compounds production in Chardonnay

  • Suitable for organic wine (EU 2018/848)
  • Suitable for NOP
  • Vegan


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Product detailsWine typesTechnical informationProduct documentation
Product DescriptionDocumentation

Product details

Stimula Chardonnay™ is particularly rich in riboflavin, biotin, B6 vitamins and in Magnesium and Zinc. It will enhance the secondary aromatic metabolism and optimize the biosynthesis of aroma compounds and support the bioconversions of precursors to volatile esters until the end of fermentation.when added at 1/3 of fermentation

Wine types


Technical information

  • Product type: Nutrient
  • Application: Added at 1/3 of AF.
  • Usage: To optimize the volatile ester biosynthesis by the yeast.
  • Nutrients for: Yeast
  • Dosage: 40

Product documentation