Product details
100% specific fractions of selected inactivated yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, non -GMO, to ncrease and advance the accumulation of aroma precursors
Wine types
Technical information
- Application: 1st Application at the beginning of veraison at 3 kg / ha and 2nd Application = 7 - 14 days after 1st application,best 10-12 days after 1st application at best 10-12 days after 1st application at 3kg/ha
- Impact: Increase and advance accumulation of aroma precursors
- Viticulture benefits: Increase in berry skin thickness, impact of berry weight, Brix, pH, TA, Increased varietal aroma compounds
- Oenological benefits: In thiolic varieties: increased 3MH and 3MHA in wines, reduced herbaceous and aggressive character, higher stability of aroma compounds, increased concentration of GSH,