(Saccharomyces cervisiae)
LALVIN PERSY is highly recommended to produce wines with fully expression of varietal aroma. Thanks to its unique properties, such as the non-production of SO2 and nonperceptible levels of H2S, LALVIN PERSY is the right choice to ferment varietals like Shiraz, Tempranillo or Pinot noir, enhancing the fruit character, freshness and aroma persistency. Wines fermented with LALVIN PERSY fromdifferent varietals show a perceptible impact in mouthfeel perception, with round and soft tannins.
Ausgewählt von Supagro and INRA (Montpellier, France)
Technische Information
- Allgemeiner sensorischer Beitrag: Non-production of SO2
- Killerfaktor: Activ
- Mindesttemperatur: 15 °C
- Maximale Temperatur: 28 °C
- Nährstoffbedarf: Niedrig
- MLF kompatibilität : Nachdrücklich empfohlen
- SO2-Produktion: Sehr niedrig
- Gärungsrate: Mittel
- Alkohol toleranz : 16 %