(Saccharomyces cerevisiae cerevisiae)
LALVIN ICV D80 was isolated by Dominique Delteil of the ICV in 1992 from the Côte Rôtie area of the Rhône Valley for its ability to ferment musts high in sugar and polyphenols. With proper nutrition, aeration and fermentation temperatures below 28°C, ICV D80® will ferment up to 16% alcohol. LALVIN ICV D80 brings high foremouth volume, big mid-palate mouthfeel and intense fine grain tannin to reds. It is one of the best strains for contributing big tannin volume and is characterized by ripe fruit, smoke and a licorice finish. When blended with wines fermented with LALVIN ICV D254 YSEO or Syrah, wines fermented with LALVIN ICV D80 bring more tannin intensity to the blend.
Technische Information
- Allgemeiner sensorischer Beitrag: Enhance varietal character
- Killerfaktor: Activ
- Mindesttemperatur: 15 °C
- Maximale Temperatur: 28 °C
- Nährstoffbedarf: Mittel
- MLF kompatibilität : Empfohlen
- SO2-Produktion: Niedrig
- Gärungsrate: Mittel
- Alkohol toleranz : 16 %
- Glycerinproduktion: Mittel