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A new article showing the impact of the wine bacteria VP41 on diacetyl production in wineAn article published by a research team at the Poznan University of Life Sciences in Poland has demonstrated one more time that a controlled malolactic fermentation, especially using the coinoculation technique, can be proposed as a safe and efficient enological practice […]
Aug 27, 2018
Optimise the aromatic potential of your grapes with targeted nutrition during fermentation.Het u al ooit gedink om spesifieke voedingstowwe te gebruik ten einde ʼn spesifieke wyndoelwit te bereik? Optimiseer die aromatiese potensiaal van jou druiwe deur die gebruik van baie spesifieke voedingstowwe met die aanvang van fermentasie. Lees gerus meer oor […]
Nov 23, 2017
The new wine yeast IONYSwf™ has been cited in the best innovation category for Vinitech 2016Lallemand in collaboration with INRA Supagro (Montpellier, France) developed IONYSFW™, which is the first wine yeast within the Saccharomyces cerevisiæ specie with the capacity to significantly and naturally acidify must during fermentation which helps with acidity management. In addition to […]
Sep 13, 2016
BACTILESS™ – Lallemand Oenology announces a new innovative and natural tool to control spoilage bacteria in wine.BACTILESS™, yet another innovation from Lallemand Oenology is now available to winemakers to help control the population of spoilage bacteria before they spoil your wine. Please continue reading for more details. Bactiless information for website
May 24, 2016