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Safe Alcoholic Fermentation: Providing Complete Nutrition for the YeastBalanced nutrition promotes yeast growth and optimizes the sensory impact of fermentation. Simply providing ammonia nitrogen and thiamine is not always enough for successful fermentation. To learn more about how to provide complete nutrition to yeast during fermentation, click on the […]
Sep 17, 2013
Safe Alcoholic Fermentation: Protecting the YeastSimply providing nitrogen and vitamins is not always enough for successful fermentation. When unprotected yeasts is introduced into an aggressive must, then protecting the yeast increases the chances of survival while optimizing the sensory impact of fermentation. Please consult the following link […]
Sep 17, 2013
Timing the Inoculation with Malolactic BacteriaNumerous parameters are involved in selecting bacteria for malolactic fermentation (MLF). Choosing the right moment for inoculating wine with selected bacteria is a factor in successful MLF. Choosing the right moment for lactic acid bacteria inoculation controls MLF according to […]
Sep 17, 2013
Predicting Malolactic FermentationNumerous conditions influence the development and activity of malolactic bacteria in wine. Malolactic fermentation (MLF) that is spontaneously triggered too early or too late can result in loss of wine quality. To learn more about MLF feasability and how to measure […]
Sep 17, 2013
Good Practices for Restarting a Stuck FermentationA sluggish or stuck alcoholic fermentation (AF) can be avoided by using good rehydration practices, yeast protection and balanced nutrition. However, certain physical or chemical factors remain uncontrollable and accidents can happen during the winemaking process, resulting in problems for […]
Sep 16, 2013
Safe alcoholic fermentation: Providing complete nutrition for the yeastTo protect yeasts when introducing them into must with high risk factors. • Balanced nutrition promotes yeast growth and optimizes the sensory impact of fermentation. • Simply providing ammonia nitrogen and thiamine is not always enough for successful fermentation Lallemand […]
Dec 13, 2012
Wine Bacteria – contributor to wine stylesThe evidence is stronger than ever. Malolactic bacteria are important tools to influence the sensory profiles of wines. It has been long known that malolactic bacteria (ML) are essential to reduce the acidity of wine through malolactic fermentation. But now, […]
Dec 12, 2012
Procedure on restarting yeast alcoholic fermentationThis method is particularly recommended for stuck fermentation where alcohol is suspected to be the main cause of the stuck ferment and residual sugar is less than 50 g/L. Procedure for Restarting Yeast Alcoholic Fermentation Australia
Dec 12, 2012